• Weatherproof and UV resistance
  • Excellent mechanical resistance and hydrophobity
  • Exterior, interior
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The mosaic plaster uses on house plinths, vertical walls and columns, exposed areas as entrances and corridors, both exterior and interior. The plaster makes decorative finish and resists to weather conditions. The product is available with coloured quartz stones (K), grains 1.6 mm and coloured crushed calcite (M), grains 2.0 mm. Recommended substrate is stucco and mortar adhesive. It is not suitable on humid horizontal areas.


The surface has to be cleaned, dried, aged and free of cracks, dust, loos particles and biological attack (mould and algae). The surface impregnates by BARLET PRIMER PAINT at first. And it is necessary to check proper plinth waterproofing.


Apply coat by coloured BARLET PRIMER PAINT 6 hours before. The primer colour use similar to the mosaic plaster. The primer dilute by max 10 % of water.
Mix the mosaic plaster by slow-motion spiral mixer just before application. Don´t whip up and possibly not dilute. Dilute by max 2 % of water for smooth application.
It applies uniformly without interruption by stainless steel trowel in grain thickness. Smooth the whole area by the same trowel.
The product contains different colour particles and it is necessary use the same production batch or different batches mix together before application.
Protect surrounding against dirt, it is difficult to clean when dried. Do it immediately.
Clouding can occur on fresh plaster, disappear when drying. Long term moisture could also cause it later on, disappear when drying.
Weather conditions
Don´t apply when it rains, fog, strong wind and on direct sunlight surfaces. Suitable temperature 15-25 °C, not lower 7 °C and not above 30 °C. Also for drying time.
Higher humidity of air and lower temperature prolong drying time.



Mozaic plaster with coloured silica sand (k) size 1,6 mm 4,0-4,5 kg/m2. Mosaic plaster with coloured limestone grit (M) size 2 mm 5,0-5,5 kg/m2.


  • Trowel

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