• Fix substrate
  • Unifices absorbency
  • Improves properties of mortars and conceretes
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The water based acrylic primer penetrates a surface after thinning and improves properties of building mixtures containing concrete and calcium hydrate.


An Absorbent surfaces: Part of SOICRAT thins by 3-15 parts of water (the more absorbent, the more thinning).
Concrete sealing – dustless: Part of SOICRAT thins by 10 parts of water and add 4-5 volume parts of concrete. Mix properly and coat a surface.
Mortar for tiling and paving: Mix 2 parts of sand and 1 part of Portland cement. Add SOICRAT thinned by 1-2 parts of water while mixing to the asked viscosity. Don´t wet both a surface and tiles.
Lime mortar: The basis is sand and calcium hydrate. Add 10 parts of SOICRAT to 100 g of calcium hydrate and add water to the asked viscosity. The mortar has increased adhesion to a surface, is flexible and suitable for masonry and fasten roof tiles.
Concrete or cement mortar: Add 4-10 l of SOICRAT to 100 kg of cement. Add SOICRAT after mixing of cement mixture and finally add water.


As impregnation according thinning up to 107 m2/kg


  • Brush
  • Roller

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